Contact Us

Please use the form below to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help from the foodbank the quickest way to reach us is by telephone. We can then direct you to the most appropriate agency to give you a foodbank voucher.

Email us

Contact details

Connect Life Church
Crescent Road
Caerphilly, CF83 1AB

Opening times 10-1pm Tues/Wed.

Email: [email protected] or Tel: 02920 868151.

We are also on Facebook (Caerphilly Foodbank).

Donations to:
If you would like to donate to us you can do so using the details below:

Bank: HSBC
Acc. Name: Bridging the Gap
Acc. 01426338
Sort. 40-16-03

Directions via Google Maps